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Fee Schedule

Initial Assessment $90.00 

Return / Regular Visit $85.00 

Abbreviated / Check Appointment $75.00 

Injection (+ Check Appt.) $190.00 

Custom Made Orthotics 

Orthotics Total (1st Pair) $700.00 

▪ Biomechanical assessment, Gait analysis And Sharp Shape scan $215.00 

▪ Actual orthotic cost (1st Pair) $485.00 

Orthotics Total (1st Single) $525.00 

▪ Biomechanical assessment, Gait analysis, and Sharp Shape scan $215.00 

▪ Actual orthotic cost (1st Single) $310.00 

Orthotics Total (2nd/Duplicate Pair) $375.00 

Nail Avulsion (Removal) Surgeries 

Partial Nail Avulsion (one toe, one side) $575.00 

Partial Nail Avulsion (one toe, two sides or two toes) $675.00 

Partial Nail Avulsion (two toes, two sides each) $775.00 

Total Nail Avulsion $650.00 

Onyfix ® - Nail Correction System $40 -$80

Foot Mobilization Technique $30 - $60

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) 

  • One Foot    $80.00

  • Both Feet    $120.00

Hauck Podiatry


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Call or Text 306 653 4151

Fax: 306.653.4153


203 - 514 Queen Street

Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M5

Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm; closed 12pm - 1pm

©2020 by Dr. Jonathan Hauck. Proudly created with

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